How do you generate, review, and manage your company's IROs for your double materiality assessment with Datamaran?

Datamaran AI automated Double Materiality solution generates impacts, risks, and opportunities based on companies' corporate disclosures.

To generate the impacts, risks, and opportunities for your analysis, you need to go to the IRO hub tab. In this tab, you will see the topics sorted based on the evidence available. You will also see those topics that have been identified as materialin the first screening. Click on 'Suggest IROs' to generate the IROs for this topic. We recommend starting your review with the topics deemed relevant on the initial screen.

Within the IROs tab, you can review the AI's generated impacts, risks, and opportunities based on the public disclosures of the companies being analyzed. Use the filter to hone in on a specific stream for a more focused review.

We suggest concentrating your analysis on 2 - 4 IROs per topic. The IROs are organized so that the ones listed first are those that receive more attention in the corporate disclosures.

Once you have generated the topic IROs, the total number of IROs generated will be displayed. You can revisit them whenever you need to review.