Generating a Legacy Double Materiality Analysis

[Legacy Double Materiality in Analysis module]

Discover our Double Materiality module

Datamaran leverages the data included in the analysis module settings to analyze your issues using our legacy Double Materiality perspective. 

The legacy Double Materiality analysis is complementary to your materiality assessment, and it aims to reflect both the financial and impact materiality of your company. 

For financial materiality, we take into account the following sources: 

  • Financial reports
  • SEC Filings
  • SASB Accounting metrics
  • Mandatory regulations with sanctions
  • Voluntary policy initiatives from financial institutions and authorities

For impact materiality, we look at a multi-stakeholder perspective which includes:

  •  Sources such as sustainability reports 
  •  Voluntary initiatives
  •  News

Datamaran also allows you the possibility of adding up to 15 stakeholder groups. You can then populate stakeholder groups with your own custom sources and rank them as needed.

To see the results of your legacy Double Materiality analysis, go to the "Double Materiality tab" in the Analysis module. The results are presented in a tornado graph that compares the financial and impact scores for each analysis issue. 

Legacy DMA 1

In the chart, each score is classified on a scale from "low-" (very low) to "high+" (very high). Each side of the tornado graph represents one of the impact types, the financial impact and impact materiality has a scoring system from 0-1.

In the “Detailed data view” tab, you can see a table with the overall scores for the financial and impact materiality, and detailed scores at the source level.

How to generate a data-driven double materiality analysis? 2

Learn more about how to interpret the Legacy Double Materiality results here