What is the reputational risk driver tab in Datamaran's Executive Dashboard?

("Datamaran for Executive" is required to use this function)

The reputational risk tab presents a trendline with the general public opinion for each risk, each topic within the risk, as well as the ten most mentioned companies on the risk in your analysis over the last three months.

To provide you with more insights into how the reputational risk is influencing each issue, the tab shows you the most relevant stories related to the issue and the companies included in the analysis. The system provides information on the possible financial and legal impact of the stories.

You have two different views:

View for all Topics

The topic view breaks down the risk into the underlying topics. The trendline represents all companies in the analysis on each of the topics. You can enable and disable topics from the graph by clicking the topic name in the legend.


View for top 10 Companies.

This view allows you to track the risk trendline for the most prominent companies, including your own. This feature provides valuable insights into which company has the most influence on public opinion and offers a comparison between your organization and the competition. You can enable and disable companies from the graph by clicking the company name in the legend.

In the two views at the bottom of the charts, you can explore relevant stories linked to the issues included in the analysis; you can choose to see stories related to:

  • Industries & Peers
  • Your company & Peers only (if there are any)
  • Your company only (if there are any)

For both charts, the dotted line represents the total amount of articles that have been analyzed for a selected risk.

The reputational risk driver analyzes online news in eight languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish. Our software uses Aylien, one of the largest news databases available on the market, and is validated according to the following:

  • Mainstream coverage
  • Industry coverage
  • Geographical coverage

Datamaran assesses these repositories to ensure the user can access a complete spectrum of sources. Online news coverage canvasses general public opinion (mainstream media) to compliment Datamaran's corporate disclosure and regulatory databases.