What is Datamaran's Executive Dashboard competitive risk drivers tab?

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The competitive risk breakdown presents relevant disclosure information for the industry parameters selected during the analysis setup. You can use this information to assess your reporting strategy and adapt your reporting practices accordingly.

In the first section, the pie charts allow you to quickly identify the kind of reports and the section where companies address the risk and your disclosure practices.

The big pie charts indicate the percentage of financial and sustainability reports mentioning the risk of your own disclosure, providing a broad view of the reporting landscape on this issue.

The smaller ones below drill down into the mentions in the reports' management letters and risk sections. The analysis focuses on these sections because they show the level of management and engagement of the issue and their integration into the company's risk culture. The disclosure for specific sections is based on a statistical sample; and although conservative by design in the identification process, the system is accurate.


In the second section, the heatmaps provide you deep insights into the level of disclosure of this risk in each company's latest annual financial and sustainability reports. If you select the report's emphasis level, the Mention viewer will show you how your peers disclose this issue to identify opportunities and impacts to draw on industry leaders' best practices to bolster your issue strategy and risk management.

The level of disclosure at the topic level is presented according to Datamaran's emphasis score, which accounts for the total number of related mentions to the topic and where those mentions are made within the assessed reports. It is an average from the latest annual sustainability and financial reports. 

The topic scores are transformed numerically and aggregated at the risk level (not shown) to calculate the  "Overall disclosure benchmark." Indicated by Lead, Middle and Lag - it offers insight into the risk disclosure level in each company's latest annual financial and sustainability reports, as compared with the other benchmarked companies.