What are the sources included in the new Double Materiality analysis?

Datamaran's latest version of the data-driven Double Materiality incorporates AI technology to enhance the analysis of various sources, enabling a comprehensive assessment of your company's impacts, risks, and opportunities.

Here's an overview of the sources utilized in the assessments.


  • Annual Financial Reports/ 10k SEC Filings: The financials reports and 10k SEC Filings are reports that include a significant amount of financial information including financial statements, management discussions, and forward-looking statements. These provide a comprehensive overview of the potential risks that a company may face.

  • Mandatory regulations: These are those regulations that have financial impacts and that are put in place by governing bodies to ensure that companies comply with certain standards and requirements. When a company fails to meet these, they may face penalties or fines, which can have significant financial impacts on their operations. 
  • Online News with negative financial impact, legal highlights, or adverse events: These provide valuable insights into the potential risks and challenges that a company may face.

  • Voluntary initiative Policies about opportunity topics: These policies provide valuable insights into the potential opportunities that a company may pursue. They outline specific actions and strategies that companies can take to capitalize on emerging trends and market demands. 
  • Positive news about the company and on opportunity topics: By analyzing positive news about the company and on opportunity topics, we can identify areas where companies can capitalize on their strengths and seize opportunities.

 Positive Impacts

  • Voluntary Policies from non-financial market issuers: These policies provide valuable insights into the potential positive impacts that a company can have. They outline specific actions and strategies that companies can undertake to create positive change and contribute to societal and environmental improvements.
  • Media Coverage with positive sentiments: This helps us assess the beneficial effects and outcomes created by the company's actions and initiatives.
Negative Impacts
  • Media Coverage with negative sentiment (excl. legal highlights, financial impact, adverse events): This helps us understand any adverse effects or consequences that may arise from the company's actions or initiatives.
Positive or Negative Impacts
  • Company Reports - Disclosures in Sustainability Reports: By examining these disclosures, we can gain a better understanding of the overall impact of the company's sustainability practices and their contributions to societal and environmental improvements.