What are the ‘Risk Groups’ in Datamaran's Executive Dashboard?

(You require “Datamaran for Executive” to use this function)

Datamaran categorizes the risks into meta-groups to facilitate prioritization and actionability:

  • Action Required – Bundles risks with a higher likelihood that require immediate review and action, further split into:
    • New to assess – Risks not covered in the risk section of your 10-K or Annual Report.
    • Existing to review – Risks currently fully or partially covered in the risk section of your 10-K or Annual Report.
  • Monitored – Bundles risks with a lower likelihood that should be monitored, further split into:
    • New to monitor – Risks not covered in the risk section of your 10-K or Annual Report.
    • Existing to monitor – Risks currently fully or partially covered in the risk section of your 10-K or Annual Report.

What are the ‘Risk Groups’? 2