The Topics' List as a Basis for the Ontology

Overview of Datamaran's topics

Using cutting-edge AI technology, Datamaran provides evidence-based insights and supports a structured process for external risk management. The foundation of the platform is a list of topics reflecting the external business risk landscape: Datamaran's proprietary Topics List.

Datamaran's topics Ontology is maintained to reflect & support risk management.

Datamaran's Topics List is itself the basis for our Ontology - a combination of relevant keywords, term locations and syntax relationships that lets Datamaran analyze unstructured sources such as corporate reports, regulatory documents and news media using natural language processing. The results are aggregated insights into the relative importance of different business risks, validated through a science-based process that combines the expertise of our clients and team of ESG, risk, finance and data science experts.

Far from being static, the Ontology is a growing and evolving foundation that remains relevant to businesses around the world as their context changes. It models the external business risk landscape by orienting around key business issues. To this end, the Datamaran Ontology is framework and standard-neutral, and regularly enhanced to include new terms, topics, and contextual information so companies can keep a finger on the pulse of emerging issues. The last major topics update was completed in February 2024.

Datamaran's topic list includes industry-specific topics that are relevant only to that particular industry and are therefore excluded from other industries. Those topics are:

  • Access to health care & medicine > Health Care 
  • Biotechnology & ethical considerations > Food & Beverage, Health Care, Resource Transformation   
  • Drug resistance & pharmaceuticals in the environment > Health Care 
  • Ethics of clinical trials > Health Care 
  • Financial access, literacy & advice > Financials
  • Holistic & patient-centric approach to health > Health Care
  • Outer space management > Resource Transformation and Technology & Communications
  • Responsible investing & financing > Financials
  • Solvency & financial management > Financials


Contact our Implementation & Training team to get the full list of topics, or contact us via the chat.