[Double Materiality module]
Within the IRO Hub, you can upload the following:
- IROs from previous disclosures
- Risk register
- Other IROs
To do this, click on the three vertical dots icon on the right side of the IRO Hub and select “Import IROs”.
Download the IRO Template in the following popup. Fill the template with the required information in the correct columns, keeping the format and heading names intact, otherwise, the upload will not work.
The following columns are required:
(B) Description
(C) Value chain location
(E) Datamaran topic
(G) Risk/Opportunity: Positive/Negative Impact
If you have already done the IRO assessment following Datamaran’s template, the assessed criteria will also be uploaded to the IRO Hub.
Note: During the import, we will apply automatic adjustments to ensure data validity to the Likelihood and Classification fields:
- If likelihood is set to 5 then Classification will be automatically adjusted to Current (for Risks and Opportunities ) or Actual (for Impacts).
- Inversely, if Likelihood is set to 1-4 then Classification will be automatically adjusted to Anticipated (for Risks and Opportunities) or Potential (for Impacts).
Once the template is completed, select it as the file to upload.
Note that imported IROs overwrite previously imported IROs.
Back in the IRO Hub, select a topic to see the list of AI-generated IROs, as well as the imported ones. They will be grouped by source.
Imported IROs can also be edited or deleted.
Status note: input data for the following fields will be (for the time being) bypassed:
- initials
- comments
- date
- references