How to send your survey created in Datamaran

To send a survey created in the Datamaran survey module, within the Survey’s Settings menu, click "Outbound email".

You will find two available options:

  1. "Automatically send email to recipients": this option sends the survey automatically from our platform.
      • You can tailor the information that appears on the email, such as "sent by" or the email title.
      • You can also customize the email text by adding the available labels that appear next to the "Insert" title, and if you prefer within the email body. Those labels will allow you to personalize each email with the recipient's information.
      • Please note that your privacy policy link is mandatory, you won't be able to save and/or send your survey if you don't add it.
      • Remember to add the link label where you want the button to appear.
      • Once you have made the changes, save the survey.
      • The emails will be sent automatically once you "Activate" the survey.
  2. "Manually send emails to recipients": this option allows you to use a mail merge feature that will enable you to send a personalized email with the link to the surveys from your own email.
Our team has created a step-by-step guide to sending your surveys using the mail merge feature. 

This video shows you how to send your surveys via Outlook

This is the write-up on sending your surveys via Outlook

This video is on how to send your surveys via Gmail

This is the write-up on sending the surveys via Gmail

If you experience any problems, please contact us at and we will be happy to support you in this process.