Managing Your Survey in Datamaran

The survey module allows you to monitor your survey's response rate, download results, duplicate your survey or reopen it when needed.

To manage your survey:
1. Go to the Survey Module at the left side of the menu
2. On the "All Surveys" page, you can see your existing surveys

How to manage your survey in Datamaran
3. In this section, you are able to:

  • Check the name of the issue mapping your survey is based on
  • Check survey status
  • Check the number of recipients
  • Check the number of respondents 
  • Check the answered percentage 
  • Duplicate
  • Download results 
  • Delete (if survey is not active)

4. Select the relevant survey to manage it. You can:
  • Resume tailoring Draft surveys 
  • Activate / Deactivate 
  • Reopen previous surveys 
  • Download list of recipients with survey links
  • Send Reminder emails (only available 24 hours after a survey is sent)