How to input your company’s internal priorities into your Datamaran's materiality analysis

When creating your analysis, you can either populate your internal priorities by using your company’s latest sustainability or financial report or by uploading a custom data file, thus integrating the voice of your internal stakeholders.

If you would like to change the internal priorities of an existing analysis or add more: first select the name of the analysis you wish to edit from under the “Analysis” drop-down menu, then under “Menu” select “View/Edit Settings”. 

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As the inputs to the internal view vary between companies, Datamaran provides different approaches for assessing the internal relevance of the issues. The approach to take will depend on your preferred methodology for engaging with internal stakeholders. You can also combine different approaches by adding different internal stakeholders. Please note that you can add up to seven custom internal priorities to the analysis.

To set up your internal priorities, go to the “Internal Priorities” section.

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Select your preferred option to populate the internal view in the analysis. 

Click on 'Use Custom Data' to import existing internal data, such as employee surveys conducted using Datamaran.

Click on 'Latest sustainability report'  to populate your internal view with your company’s latest sustainability report. 

Click on 'Latest financial report'  to populate your internal view with your company’s latest financial report. 

The report's insights can be used as a preliminary analysis to inform stakeholder engagement and/or run a communication gap analysis to prepare your next report and identify where you should enhance disclosure.

If you have more than one internal priority, you will need to rank your priorities to input them into your analysis. There are two ways you can do this:

1) You can rank the individual importance of each priority with regards to your company on a Low - to High + scale. If you select None, the internal priority won’t be shown in your analysis.

2) Alternatively, you are able to assign a percentage in order to rank each stakeholder group, selecting how much weight you would like to attribute to each stakeholder. In this process, you will need to make sure the collective weighting adds up to 100%. 

If the rank of all the internal priorities is set to 0, the system will assign a default equal weight.

The internal priorities reflect the list of issues used in your analysis, if you make changes in your issue mapping the system will re-evaluate and overwrite internal priorities to avoid inconsistency. Any custom data that was uploaded will be replaced by issues from your new mapping with scores set to 0.