How to get your survey results in Datamaran and integrate them into your analysis

(You require Datamaran latest version to use this function)

To get your survey results:

  1. Go to the Survey Module
  2. On the “All Surveys” page, click on the download icon to download the results of your analysis.

To upload the final results of your survey as an internal or external stakeholder it is necessary to upload the results as custom data. No additional data processing activity is needed as the results will be automatically normalized. 

1. Open your analysis 
2. Open the menu next to the analysis name and select “View/ Edit Settings”
3. Go to the “Stakeholders” section and select the stakeholder where you want to integrate the results of your survey.
4. Upload the survey results by selecting the “Upload file” button.
5. You will finally see the data populating the stakeholder table. 
6. To update your analysis, click on the “Save and run analysis” button.