How to download your Datamaran's materiality analysis data

You can download your analysis data details, the summary table, and the Issue mapping in an excel format for traceability purposes. You can also download your materiality matrix graph as well as the double materiality graph.

To download the data:

  1. Go to the Analysis Module
  2. Go to your analysis
  3. Open the menu by clicking on the three lines icon next to the analysis name
  4. Click on Export
  5. Confirm your export by clicking on the pop-up

To download your materiality matrix graph:

  1. Go to the Analysis Module
  2. Go to your analysis
  3. Open the Matrix View tab
  4. In the Actions section, you will be able to see the Download Chart option
  5. Click on the Download Chart

To download your double materiality graph:

  1. Go to the Analysis Module
  2. Go to your analysis
  3. Open the Double Materiality tab
  4. On the top right corner of the chart, you will find the lines download menu
  5. By clicking on the menu you will be able to select the format of your export: 
    • SVG format
    • PNG format