How to deepen the analysis of your company’s material issues with Datamaran

("Datamaran for Executive" is required to use this function)

Datamaran provides additional insights to understand what is driving your material issues at the stakeholder level. Its structure is as follows:

  • Industries & Peers: presents charts related to industry disclosing practices by issue and a heatmap that provides deep insights into your peers' disclosing practices, including direct access to the mentions of those practices in their reports.
  • Policymakers: presents a chart depicting the amount of voluntary regulatory activity per year over the past decade for the selected issue, the cumulative number of initiatives over that period and the list of voluntary initiatives analyzed.
  • Regulators: presents a chart depicting the amount of mandatory regulatory activity per year over the past decade for the selected issue, the cumulative number of regulations over that period and the list of mandatory regulations analyzed.
  • Media: presents a chart with the general public opinion for each issue, each topic within the issue, and the ten most mentioned companies in your analysis over the last three months.

These insights allow you to prioritize the issues and identify mitigation strategies. They can be accessed through either the cells in the Stakeholder view table or from the "Rank per stakeholder" section of the issue summary page.
