How to compare companies' coverage of ESG issues across corporate reports in Datamaran

(You require Datamaran's Executive Dashboard to use this function)

Datamaran’s Benchmark enables you to quickly compare your company's disclosure against your peers and/or industry-specific companies’ coverage of ESG issues across corporate reports issued by the world’s largest market cap companies. This includes annual financial reports, annual sustainability reports, and 10-K SEC filings.

To generate your benchmark analysis:

1. Go to the benchmark module
2. If this is your first time, click on “Get started”; otherwise, click on the “Create new” option in the menu next to the analysis name.
3. Name your analysis.
4. Select the corporate reports to use in your analysis. 
5. Select the countries and Industries to include in your analysis.
6. Select the specific companies to include in your analysis (please note that you can select both countries and industries and/or selected companies for benchmarking).
7. Click on the “Save and run analysis” button to generate your analysis.

A chart showing your company's emphasis score and the numbers of companies within the scope of your analysis that place different levels of emphasis (High, Medium, Low, or No Mention) on ESG topics disclosed in the corporate reports will appear.

The topics are ranked by the average level of emphasis in the corporate reports of the selected companies, from higher emphasis to lower emphasis. The gradient colors in the bars illustrate the level of emphasis placed on the selected topic by the companies included in the analysis. You can hover on each section of the bars to see the number of companies.

How to compare companies coverage of ESG issues across corporate reports?

You can click on each topic to see a complete list of the companies and the reports included in the analysis and the emphasis level put by each company on the selected topic.

How to compare companies coverage of ESG issues across corporate reports? 2

Click on the company and the analysis you want to explore. You will be able to see a box with the mentions within the selected report; use the arrows in the bottom right to browse the mentions.

How companies are disclosing ESG risks 2

Please note that every time the benchmark page is loaded or refreshed, the data in your analysis will be updated.