How is the sum total of issues displayed in your analyses defined in Datamaran?

The issues displayed in your analysis are associated with the industry "Issue Mapping" template, selected when setting up your analysis. These sector-based issue mapping templates are provided by Datamaran and reflect major disclosure frameworks, External developments and feedback from clients, partners and advisors.

The industry issue mappings are determined by the classification of industries they belong to:

  • Primary (e.g. Financials)
  • Secondary (e.g. Commercial banks)
  • Tertiary (e.g. Corporate & retail banking) 

This industry classification allows us to further refine where in the value chain Datamaran's topics are relevant. Some of the topics will not be relevant in the same stage for each company's value chain. Additionally, it takes into account how topics were aggregated, and the name of the issue in which they belong.  

Some industry mappings also include industry-specific topics that are relevant only to that particular industry and are therefore excluded from other industries' issues mappings (e.g. the "Ethics of clinical trials" topic is only included in the Healthcare industry mapping under the "Ethics in R&D" issue).