How do I update an Analysis on Datamaran's Executive Dashboard?

(You require “Datamaran for Executive” to use this function)

In order to keep the pulse of the latest ESG development you need your Executive Dashboard Analysis up to date.

How do I update my analysis?

For the analyses with a monitoring snapshot, the analysis will be automatically updated each time that you connect to your analysis.

How do I update an Analysis on the Executive Dashboard?

For those analyses that do not have a monitoring snapshot you need to follow the instructions below:

1. On the Overview page, navigate to the Menu button.

How do I update an Analysis on the Executive Dashboard? 2
2. Click View/Edit Analysis 

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3. Update or amend the inputs and click on "Run Analysis"

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Please note that every time you re-run an analysis, previous data is overwritten.

For quarterly updates, don’t forget to duplicate your analysis before updating your data in order to keep your historical data. 

For more information, see the article: How do I duplicate an analysis on the Executive Dashboard?

How do I save my analysis?

The analysis is automatically saved once created, after clicking “Run Analysis”. It can be found on the Executive Dashboard or accessed from the drop-down menu, where you will also find a full list of the other analyses conducted. The date and time of the last save can be found in the top right-hand corner of the Overview.


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 The video below shows you how to do it.