Adding Custom IROs in Datamaran’s IRO Hub

[Double Materiality module]

The IRO Hub allows you to create new IROs at topic level. 

Click “Add IRO” and select whether it is a Risk, Opportunity, Positive, or Negative impact. Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 10.32.10

Fill in the IRO description and select to which value stream the IRO applies to. This is a required input. You can also select the appropriate ESRS topic, and add a “sub-topic” or “sub-sub-topic” as needed. The criteria included for the assessment will vary accordingly for risks and opportunities and impacts. Click Add IRO. 

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 16.19.25

You will automatically return to the previous screen and see the custom IRO added to the IROs for the topic.

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 10.33.41