Adding Custom Data to a Double Materiality Analysis

[Double Materiality module]

Dataman allows you to tailor your analysis by adding custom data to the value streams: Core operations, Upstream and Downstream.

To upload custom data, go to the Double Materiality module located in the left-side menu:

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  1. Select the analysis you want to edit.
  2. In the Menu, select “Settings”.

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3. Go to the Value streams column. Here you can add custom data in the Financial Axis or Impact Axis of the Core Operations, Upstream, and Downstream sections by clicking on the “+” button.

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4. Name the new custom data to identify it as a source.

5. Keep in mind that the data must be uploaded in the format defined by the template. Download it via the “Download template” button. 

Note: You can use any scale; Datamaran will automatically rescale your input to a 0 to 1 score.

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6. Transpose your data in the template file by editing the topic score in Column B

7. Save changes

8. Lastly, Upload the template via the “Upload file”

You will see the data populating the axis in the value stream.